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Friday, 22 March 2019

Yeadon Sailing Club - 91st Sailing Season

After all the 90th Anniversary celebrations last season our 91st Sailing Season starts this Saturday with the first Series race starting at 2.30pm and the second race at 4.00pm.

With the weather disrupting the pre - season working parties there was a mild panic on Sunday when it was realised that No 7 had gone walkabout. It was found later hiding in a bush at the side of the Tarn which would have made rounding it rather interesting !

Hiding in the bushes

Luckily Graham came to the rescue and managed to retrieve it mid-week, so big thanks to him !  

It is our 91st season but it is the first season for the new Fishing Club operating on the Tarn - Yeadon Tarn Angling Club 2019 so best of luck to them and looking to contine the good relationships and joint initiatives of the last few years continuing in the future. The new Bailiffs are Jimmy, Reece and Ste. 

So come along for the start of the new Season, the weather is forecast to be quite pleasant (for March), see the new decking, get out on the water and enjoy the Tarn.

Sunshine on the water

New flag for a new season

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