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Saturday, 23 February 2008

80th Anniversary - The Commodore's Challenge

In this very special year I felt it would be good for us to take up a challenge which will have a big impact on the future of the club. As you know we are developing our thoughts for the long term but whatever options we wish to consider, they will undoubtedly require investment.

Our current membership numbers are healthy but we could do with building them significantly if we are to have the additional funds for new ventures.

My challenge is this -

‘Each One Reach One’

I would like everyone to determine to introduce at least 1 new member to the club this year. They could be -

A personal friend,
A person who calls into the club and to who you offer help,
A new Tuesday night trainee,
A dual member from another sailing club,
A work colleague,
A referral from the Sailing Centre
A visitor to our Open Day

What ever the connection I want each of us to ‘hold their hand’ through to membership.

We have a great club and I would dearly love to have the option to improve our facilities and make longer term plans for all our benefit.

The Each One Reach One Challenge could double our membership but I would be happy with a net growth of 80 new members in celebration of our 80th Anniversary.

Let’s put Yeadon Sailing Club really on the map as the best club for the Leeds sailing community.

Tim Hattersley

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