The forecast had been for strong winds, similar to the previous day, when no sailing took place. Regrettably, Paul Hudson was wrong, and we found (very) variable wind, Force 2/3 initially, very cloudy albeit without the forecast rain. We had 6 local boats and 3 visitors.
Race 1. Pete Slingsby, an old stalwart, Yeadon trained, took an early lead, with a newer Yeadon man, Simon Broome, and a new and welcome visitor from Pennine, Emily Stevenson, some 16 years of age, in pursuit. Our young friend, however, was soon overtaken by grizzled veteran John Southall. The gaps between boats gradually lengthened, a little jousting took place, during which period John established himself into 2nd place and Martin Barrett of Ripon accelerated into a worthy 3rd.
Race 2. The wind eased slightly. Martin Barrett took an early lead, but with variations of up to 15 knots, local experience came to the fore, Pete took up his rightful place in front, and there were exciting interchanges, especially when, half way through the race, significant gusts arrived (through the buildings). Martin held on grimly behind Pete, but much to his chagrin Mick Bower, who had fought hard all through the race, and made a supreme effort in the last lap, was eventually rewarded with second place, forcing Martin to accept 3rd position.
Race 3. Wind still very variable, with the conditions forcing many of the old brigade to miss out the last race, so we had only 4 contenders. Our strong man, Mick Bower, took an early lead, with Simon Broome and Andrew Cowling in pursuit, young Emily Stevenson bringing up the rear. More capsizes, perhaps due to fatigue, tired these stalwarts, and perhaps forcing Andrew to retire; Simon just could not catch Mick, so he finished 2nd, and a well deserved 3rd place to Emily.
Final Placings. 1st Pete Slingsby, second Mick Bower, and in 3rd place Simon Broome.
An interesting observation was made to your scribe by a Yeadon Sage, to the effect that a little less “macho” and a little more “playing” of the mainsheet would have perhaps obviated many of the capsizes……..
Final Role Call:
1. 185701 Peter Slingsby Yorkshire Dales
2. 166406 Mick Bower Yeadon
3. 196657 Simon Broome Yeadon
5. 166512 John Southall Yeadon
6. 189200 Emily Stevenson Pennine
6. 189200 Emily Stevenson Pennine
7. 160687 David Statman Yeadon
8. 187497 Andrew Cowling Yeadon
9. 182540 Helen Phillips Yeadon